1 minute read

In those weeks I’ve finally recorded the Follow-person project and uploaded it to the JdeRobot youtube channel. Here is the video for you to watch it!!

Also the idea for those weeks was to work on a website that shows the execution of Gazebo + Rviz2 from the VisualCircuit project. For this, I used the docker image from my partner’s TFG, Lucía, so I am now execute the full process and visualize the robot from a website.

For this, I used noVNC, and to execute everything we need to follow the next steps:

1 -> In one terminal launch the docker container:

sudo docker run --rm -it -p 6080:6080 turtlebot2

2 -> In other 3 terminals, open a terminal inside the docker :

sudo docker ps # To find the CONTAINER_ID

# Repeat this one in different terminals
sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash

3 -> Inside the docker container, use these command lines to open the Xserver, X11VNC and noVNC

XServer en la terminal 1
Term1 $> /usr/bin/Xorg -noreset +extension GLX +extension RANDR +extension RENDER -logfile ./xdummy.log -config /xorg.conf :0
Term2 $> x11vnc -display :0 -nopw -forever -xkb -rfbport 5900
Term3 $> /noVNC/utils/novnc_proxy --listen 6080 --vnc localhost:5900

4 -> Set the DISPLAY environment variable to “:0” in order to see the docker apps in the web visualizer:

Term4 $> export DISPLAY=:0

With all this done, now we can use rviz or gazebo normally and watch everything if we connect our web browser to “localhost:6080/vnc.html”

Next steps will follow the path of modifying the website to make it more visually atractive and test the follow person in the docker + VNC environment.