Posts by Year


Week 30~33 - Installing BehaviourMetrics

1 minute read

For this past few weeks I have been trying to install and configurate the BehaviourMetrics repository on my local computer. With this repository the main obj...

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Week 27 - Training the Brake

2 minute read

This week main dish is going to revolve around teaching the car how to correctly brake when another vehicle is in front of it. But first, we better try to so...

Week 26 - Braking and stopping

1 minute read

The task for this week is going to revolve around trying to make the car stop when another car stops in front of it, then accelerating again when the car is ...

Week 24~25 - Adding some extras

2 minute read

This weeks we continue with the use of the RGB cameras, but this time, we are going to add a little bit more of spice, we will add more agents apart from our...

Week 23 - Semantic Segmentation

3 minute read

Once we have established a solid base for the deep learning project we move on to other tasks. With that being said, we are going to make use of a segmentati...

Week 21 - Fixing the car behaviour

1 minute read

This week, our task was to correct the car behaviour for it was steering towards the oncoming lane even thought this is not a desired quality. Many hours wer...

Week 20 - Model analysis so far

3 minute read

For this week, we are going to mainly focus on analyzing the behaviour of the model, and try to understand better the different things that made it work bett...

Week 17 - Combating imbalanced data

2 minute read

As a continuation of our current task, we are going to keep trying to make our car follow straight roads and turn on the curves correctly. As a reminder, we ...

Week 15 - Building momentum

2 minute read

Finally, we have made some visible progress with the car learning how to follow the lane implicitly. To do this the idea is pretty much the same as the previ...

Week 14 - Why is it not turning?

3 minute read

Carry on with the task at hand, we still need to figure out why the car is not turning when we increased the dataset with more turning situations. Wasn’t the...

Week 13 - Handling the curve

1 minute read

Stumbling myself with an obstacle, in this week, the work was mainly focused on improving the dataset to handle better the curves. We already had a car that ...

Week 12 - Following the road

2 minute read

With this first week after the summer vacation, I return to the routine with a similar task to the one I had at hand on the summer. Instead of training the c...

Week 7~11 - Slow but steady wins the race

4 minute read

As we enter a vacation period in our thesis planification, advances will surely slow down when we compared them with the previous weeks. But this does not me...

Week 3 - Hello World

2 minute read

As we make our way into the depths of the Carla Simulator, it is a good idea to grasp a better understanding of the Carla framework and its infrastructure. I...

Week 2 - Testing Carla Simulation.

1 minute read

A first introduction to the Carla simulation would be a good place to start with this weeks job, for we need to get acquainted with this simulation if we wan...

Week 1 - Soaking myself with context

1 minute read

Starting to warming up, as I am currently in the first training period of my thesis, I must read a lot of papers related to the task at hand, understand them...

Week 0 - Ready, set, go!

1 minute read

With this first entry on my weekly blog, I start my master’s thesis with the objective and hope to learn and solve problems related to autonomous driving usi...

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