Final Weeks. Final part of the work
The report and presentation is written and a final video is created
The report and presentation is written and a final video is created
Combination of parameters for the different trainings
The parameters that will be changed in the different trainings are fixed
Advances with the formula 1 training using the camera with the qlearn algorithm.
The Qlearning algorithm manages to complete one lap of the circuit.
Try new training with ‘jump’ mode. Every reset is in a different place
New tests changing the possibilities of the environment
Finishing the creation of the formula 1 exercise and ready for testing.
Finishing the creation of the formula 1 exercise and ready for testing.
Going deeper into the steps performed by the algorithm.
Going deeper into the steps performed by the algorithm.
Running and training the turtlebot example using camera.
First steps with Gym-Gazebo Installing and running examples.
Change of course. Change from Gym-Pyxies to Gym-Gazebo as intermediary with Gazebo.
Going deeper into the gym-pyxis library and trying to create a simple client.
Training of a network given a dataset and learning in the tool Gym-Pyxies for a first approach between Gazebo and OpenAI-gym.
New structure of Neural Behaviors repository and deeping the Vanessa’s code.
Finishing the DQN algorithm for the game of pong. Exploring the pilot code to implement the equivalent in learning by reinforcement.
Solving problems with the graphic card and reading more information about the DQN algorithm.
Execution of the Pong game from the code provided in Alberto’s repository.
Studying the methods seen the previous week (continuing).
Studying the methods seen the previous week.
Running different methods and agents for the resolution of DRL problems.
Doing some examples and installing infrastructure.
Apply what you have learned to a small tutorial
Definitions of agents, environments, states, actions, rewards, …
Reading articles, tutorials and collecting information
Introduce to myself